3 Fantastic Ideas for a Unique French Patio Door

3 Fantastic Ideas for a Unique French Patio Door

You’ve heard it often: your outdoor space is an extension of your home. Indeed, that’s why your French patio door is such an important fixture. It paves the way for a smooth transition from your interior to your home’s outdoors. It follows that its design should be attractive as it is functional. And since every home is different, your patio door must make a statement about yourself and the people you live with.

3 Fantastic Ideas for a Unique French Patio Door

At Renewal by Andersen® of Atlanta, our mastery of door customization is your key to having a fun and convenient living space. As you go beyond the boundaries of design, we provide you with some fresh ideas to personalize your French doors in Atlanta:

Play with the Glass Pattern

If you’re tired of the traditional rectangular glass panes neatly arranged throughout the door’s length, then why not break from the ordinary and have a unique glass pattern for your door? Your options include Obscure Pattern, Cascade Pattern, Reed Pattern, and Fern Pattern.

This doesn’t just make your French patio door a marvel to behold; it also adds more character to your home’s personality.

Go Grille

Simple, yet effective, having a grille pattern on your French door could instantly make it look extraordinary. If you have a pleasant outdoor view, you can bet that no dividers would ruin it.

Using our wide variety of grille options, we can produce any look for patio doors in Marietta, GA. With careful planning and meticulous attention to detail, our team can bring the perfect design to life.

Keep It Locked

Since your patio door is another point of entry to your house, you should put a premium on locks as well. The quality and design, in particular should matter.

We can help you be creative when it comes to keeping your French hinged or sliding patio doors in Atlanta secure. You can bank on our skills and wealth of experience to put an emphasis on your door’s safety without compromising style.

Your French patio door defines your outdoor living. Call Renewal by Andersen® of Atlanta now at (866) 609-5033, and let’s talk about all the important details of your French door design.

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