3 Ways to Lower Your Heating Bills During Winter

No one likes to open their power bill, but when you are in the middle of winter it can be especially painful to some.  There are ways to lower your heating bills immediately though.

You will find that most of the cold air coming in your home is coming in through the windows.  This cold air coming in is making your heater have to work all that much harder to keep your home comfortable.  At the same time that the cold air is coming in, the warm air your heater is working so hard to get out is going right out the windows.

So to lower your heating bill the fastest, start with your windows.

Lower Your Heating Bill Way #1: Install Energy-Efficient Windows

Yes, windows can be replaced in the winter.  In fact, winter is one of the best times to replace your windows thanks to winter window sales and fewer people trying to replace their windows this time of year.

By replacing your old, drafty windows with new energy-efficient ones you will have less air transfer going through your windows.  So your heated air will stay in and the cold air will stay out; letting your heater work less and not cost as much to run.

Lower Your Heating Bill Way #2: Install a Good Window Treatment

There are many window treatments that you can put on your window to help lower your heating bill.  While some treatments are better than others, anything is better than not having a window treatment up at all.  In fact, if you can’t get out to find the right window treatment for your home, thumbtack a heavy blanket up to cover your window.

No, this may not be attractive, but it is a temporary solution until you find a better looking window treatment.  It is also an immediate solution and will decrease your bill as soon as you get it up, instead of waiting to get out and find a good looking one.

Lower Your Heating Bill Way #3: Fix Old Windows

If you have an old drafty window, there are two things you want to do.  First, see where the drafts are coming from.  Second, caulk any gaps or holes and put new weather stripping on.

Fixing old windows to lower your heating bill is effective, but it is also only a temporary fix for many windows.  If the window is old enough, it doesn’t matter how much caulking or weather stripping you put on, the window is still going to allow cold air in.  The more permanent solution to lower your heating bills is to replace old windows with new energy-efficient ones.

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