4 Home Styles and Their Matching Windows

There are a number of things to consider when choosing windows in CT. Among these is your home’s architectural style. Every home style requires specific design elements to complete its look. In this post, Renewal by Andersen® of Westchester and Fairfield County gives you four of the most popular home styles and their matching windows.

Matching Windows

1. American Farmhouse

An American Farmhouse may mean small, simple structures or big, elaborate homes. This classic home style first emerged in the Midwest in the mid-1800s. An American Farmhouse is characterized by asymmetrical massing with a gable at the front. These homes usually have simple detailing with an open floor plan. Double-hung windows look best in this home style.

2. Cape Cod

This home style has English roots but is still distinctively American. The design is an evolution of the Colonial style and was established in New England in response to the availability of materials in the area at that time. Cape Cod homes typically have steep roofs with side gables. They traditionally have multi-paned, double-hung windows that are usually treated with shutters.

3. Craftsman Bungalow

This home style is among the most common ones emerging from the Arts and Crafts movement that gained fame in the early 20th century. Craftsman Bungalow homes are known for their multiple-pitch gable roofs and timber frames with stone or stucco exteriors. This home style uses various window styles, though some design themes are consistent. Double-hung windows with stained wood interiors are widespread. Your CT windows should be vertical in proportion if you have this home style.

4. Industrial Modern

Today, it is typical for new homes to have this architectural style. This is similar to the early industrial styles except they now use different materials for added texture and character. Industrial Modern homes usually have factory-like parts arranged in a functional manner. When it comes to windows, you can choose from modern double-hung, sliding, or picture windows.

Is your home style one of these four? Get in touch with us today to get the right replacement windows in CT. Call Renewal by Andersen of Westchester and Fairfield County at (866) 609-5033 for a free, no obligation estimate.

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