4 Warning Signs That Tell You a Patio Door Replacement Is Due

There will come a time when your patio doors will suffer from irreparable damage due to age and prolonged use. Even when you perform routine maintenance, they will eventually lose their ability to keep your Knoxville home insulated. When you begin to see these warning signs on your current fixtures, getting replacement doors is a priority.

Door Frame Damage

The chipping, peeling, or blistering on the door frames are not just an ugly sight to behold, but also a sign that there is existing rot or decay. This calls for an immediate replacement because the damage is beyond repair.

Difficulty Opening or Closing

Operating the patio doors is an indicator as to whether or not a replacement is due. Sliding doors must move along the horizontal track with ease, while the hinges on the French doors must work well to ensure that opening and closing them requires little effort. Either patio doors can become difficult to operate once debris or rust has accumulated on the hardware. Another thing to consider is the imbalance of the doors due to expansion and contraction.

Moisture in between the Glass

A common problem that happens in most patio doors involves fogging in between the glass panes. This is a sign that the seal that holds the glass to the frame has been broken. Although it can be fixed through a repair, a replacement is ideal if the fixtures are near the end or are past their service life.


As your current patio doors are fixed to the opening in your home, any gaps are sealed to ensure tightness and protection against air infiltration, also known as drafts. In time, the caulk used would wear out, causing air to enter your home. While you can seal them up again, there is no guarantee your doors will provide better insulation for longer. Indeed, looking for replacement patio doors would then be necessary.

When it comes to door replacement, Renewal by Andersen® of Knoxville is the company to trust. Give us a call at (866) 609-5033 for more information. You may also fill out our contact form for a free, in-home consultation. We serve areas in Tennessee, including Maryville, TN.

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