5 Reasons Not to Install Your Own Windows in Michigan

If you’re trying to stick to a budget, you might be considering buying windows at a local home improvement store and installing them yourself. Often, tackling DIY projects is a great way to save cash — but this is not the case when it comes to windows. Here are five reasons why you should always hire a window replacement company rather than attempt to install your own windows in your Michigan home.

1. Proper Installation Is Important for Efficiency

When you shop for windows, you’ll notice that each one comes with an energy efficiency rating. The most efficient windows carry the Energy Star logo. What you may not realize, however, is that those windows are only as energy-efficient as advertised if they are installed properly. If the window is a little out of balance, not properly positioned in the window opening, or suffers damage during the installation, its efficiency will be compromised. 

When you hire a professional window replacement company, you can be confident your windows are properly installed for maximum efficiency. The money you save on energy will make the installation worth it.

2. DIY Installation Often Voids the Warranty

Windows typically come with a warranty, but if you read the fine print in the warranty agreement, you’ll find that the warranty only applies if the windows are professionally installed. If you install the windows yourself and there is a problem with them, you may have to pay for a whole new set of windows. Professional installation preserves the warranty, and most window replacement companies offer a warranty on their installation work, too. 

3. Window Installation Takes a Long Time When You’re Inexperienced

Window installation is more work than you might imagine. You may plan on having the project done in a weekend, but before you know it, the whole summer has passed — and you still have a few windows to put into place. Professionals who install windows day in and day out can work a lot faster. They can replace the windows in a small Michigan home within a day, and those on a larger home within two days. With a window replacement company, you can have the windows replaced and move on with your life.

4. Window Installation Can Be Dangerous

You’re working with glass and power tools, so clearly window installation comes with the potential for injuries. You don’t want to end up in the hospital with a deep cut or a concussion! Professionals have been formally trained to work safely with their equipment and with the window glass, so their risk of an injury is much lower.

5. Window Installation Requires a Lot of Tools

If you don’t have the tools to install windows yourself, you will either need to buy or rent them. Add in the cost of equipment, and suddenly, installing your own windows costs more than hiring a professional. It’s much easier to hire a company that has all of the necessary tools and accessories to do the job properly.

If the time has come to replace the windows on your Michigan home, don’t try to do it alone. Hire a reputable window replacement company like Renewal by Andersen. Contact us to schedule a free, in-home consultation. Our knowledgeable technicians will examine your current windows and recommend replacement options that fit your lifestyle and budget. 

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