Cleaning Up Your Windows after Summer Pranks

It’s that time of the year again in Cincinnati, time for the kids to be out of school and for the boredom to shortly set in.  Not only the boredom, but also celebrations for birthdays, first summer jobs, graduation and everything else you can think of.

Unfortunately, with the combination of summer boredom, no school, and reasons to celebrate it also means that the prank season is here.  This is the time of year that homeowners start to see silly string on cars, toilet paper in yards, shaving cream on windows, and eggs being tossed everywhere.

While the ones sending off the above materials may think it is all in good fun and they aren’t really hurting anyone, in reality some of the materials can cause permanent damaged.  So once a prank has been discovered, homeowners need to clean up the mess immediately to prevent damage being done to their windows or other parts of their house and yards.

Cleaning Up Your Windows after Shaving Cream

Shaving cream is actually the least harmful of all the pranks that could be done to your windows.  Yes, shaving cream will damage paint on a car, but not the glass on the car or the windows on a house.  In fact, some cleaning professionals use shaving cream to clean up bathroom mirrors because it not only works great in cleaning the glass it also prevents mirrors from fogging up later.  So if you do find shaving cream on your windows, think of it as someone else helped get you started on a cleaning project you needed to do anyway.

If your shaving cream prank was done with enough time for it to dry between getting applied and you finding it, don’t worry.  Simply take a garden hose and spray the dried shaving cream off of the glass with a little bit of pressure.  Then blot up any excess that may be sticking around.

Window Clean Up from Silly String

Silly string in concept is fun to spray but a pain to clean up. Worse yet, it leaves horrible stains on paint and most anything else it dries to.  The damage left behind by silly string is so bad that it has led many cities to ban it.

If you find that you have been prank with silly string, you need to clean it up as soon as you find it.  If it is still wet it will come off easily and with little damage.  However, if it has had a chance to dry it is harder to get off and has a higher chance of causing underlying damage.

To clean off dried silly string, spray it off with your garden hose and a high-pressure nozzle.  After it is wet and the loose string is off, take a squeegee and gently scrape the rest off.  Continue this process until all of the silly string has been removed and you have finished cleaning up your pranked windows.

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