Environmental Challenges: 5 Renewal by Andersen® Solutions

Environmental Challenges: 5 Renewal by Andersen® Solutions


The Andersen® Corporation has always been a steward for a greener and more sustainable environment. We are the first window manufacturer to receive Green Seal Certification for Environmental Stewardship. ENERGY STAR®, a voluntary labeling partnership of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also recognizes our efforts to produce energy-efficient products.

Renewal by Andersen® Solutions

As part of the company’s window replacement division, Renewal by Andersen® proudly carries this environmental recognition through our products. Our replacement windows in San Francisco and in other parts of the country come with advanced materials and technologies necessary to combat environmental challenges. Here are five of our solutions:

  1. Renewing Existing Housing – According to the EPA, the average home uses more energy and is responsible for more carbon emissions than the average automobile. After installing over two million windows in more than 300,000 homes, we are proud to say that our products improve energy efficiency, neighborhood livability, and house longevity.
  2. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) – Did you know that poor IAQ is among the top five health hazards in the country? We help alleviate this problem by encouraging proper indoor air circulation. Our San Francisco windows have met the strictest indoor air emission standards in the country, so you can rest easy knowing that we can improve the air quality in your home.
  3. Smart Use of Materials – Our exclusive Fibrex® frame material consists of 40% reclaimed wood fiber, making it reusable for other products. Likewise, our High-Performance™ Low-E4® glass helps block harmful UV rays, preventing costly damage to your health and home components. Together, these innovations make our products highly sustainable.
  4. Smart Use of Energy – Our glass options make our windows one of the most energy-efficient you can find. Our newest glass package, High-Performance Low-E4 SmartSun™, for instance, is 70% and 45% more energy-efficient in summer and winter, respectively.  You can save up to 25% on your energy bills by installing a San Francisco window from us.
  5. Long Product Lifecycles – Construction waste is the top source of landfill waste in the country. When you choose to install our products, you can save many years’ worth of these wastes. Thanks to their materials, our products have long life cycles and are highly recyclable.

You too can benefit a lot from our beautiful, durable, and energy-efficient windows. Join the green initiative today by calling us at (866) 609-5033 or by completing our form. We will be ready to assist you.

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