Give Your Home a Unique Touch with Specialty Windows

On one hand, windows, like your roof, play an important role in protecting your home from the elements and preserving its aesthetic appeal. On the other hand, today’s technology allows homeowners to customize new window models to add beauty and personalization to their residences.

Specialty Windows

Renewal by Andersen® of Cincinnati is a reputable window company who is committed to providing each customer with the most cost-effective options. We also have the privilege of making homes more beautiful. We understand that you want to upgrade your home’s protection while adding value, which you can do with specialty windows. Here are some great things about specialty windows:

They Come in Different Shapes and Colors

We offer 13 different shapes that you can choose from. From European architecture to Craftsman style homes, we have a style to fit your home. You can even get octagonal windows with colonial grille patterns that perfectly blend with colonial homes. Equal leg arch top windows with prairie style grilles compliment southwest-style architecture. We offer a variety of long lasting colors that will complement your home’s aesthetics and increase the curb appeal.

They Can Be Paired with Other Window Styles

While specialty windows are non-operational like picture windows, they can be paired with other window styles, giving you the opportunity to express your creativity more. You can have a triangle window with a colonial grille pattern adjoined by bay windows in Loveland, Ohio, to let more sunlight into your living area. Have the confidence that you can invite and impress your guests with your window design ideas.

Helps Improve Your Comfort

Our specialty windows are not only aesthetically unique, but they are manufactured using Fibrex® composite material and High-Performance™ Low-E4® glass. Fibrex has the distinction of being the best insulating window frame material on the market in Cincinnati. This means a cooler home during summer and a warmer space during winter. In addition, our innovative glass can reduce your energy bills up to 25% and water spots up to 99%. This means you can enjoy the great performance of attractive windows, as well as a more comfortable home.

Renewal by Andersen of Cincinnati offers you an opportunity to express your personal style and provide lasting protection for your home through our specialty windows. For window installation questions, or additional information about window replacement in Cincinnati, call us at (866) 609-5033 today. We will be more than happy to schedule a free, no-obligation in-home consultation.

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