How to Deal With Drafty Windows

Now that the weather’s getting chillier, it’s a good idea to inspect your windows. Heated indoor air can leak out of drafty windows, raising your power bills and making your home uncomfortable to live in. Today, Renewal by Andersen® of Cincinnati, a top window replacement company, shares some tips on how to identify and address the problem of drafty windows. Keep an Ear Out for Rattling 

Manufacturers apply glazing putty to window glass to make sure panes stay in place and prevent water from infiltrating the frame. Over time, the glazing putty can become brittle, resulting in glass panes loosening. This is why old windows often make a rattling sound on windy days. Water leaking from the bottom of your frame is also a sign the putty has cracked. 

Keep an Eye Out for Gaps

The temperature extremes in the Midwest can eventually take their toll on your windows. Fluctuating temperatures can cause wooden frames to contract and expand, shifting the windowpanes and leaving behind gaps. A visual inspection should help you spot these gaps. 

Foggy Glass

If the seal on a double-pane window is broken, moisture can infiltrate the space between the glass pane, making the unit appear foggy. This is a problem that may require window replacement.

Quick Fixes for Drafty Windows

If you notice any of these red flags, call your window contractor. The gaps in your windows might be leaking, which could lead to water damage as well as higher energy bills and a chilly house. In the meantime, you can try these quick fixes yourself:  

  1. Use Rope Caulk to Fill in the Gaps – Rope caulk is a pliable, putty-like type of caulk, which is easy to remove. Simply take one strip and press it against the gap until it’s fully sealed. 
  2. Use a Blow Dryer to Apply Shrink Film – If you want something that’s less messy and can seal the gaps more precisely, try using shrink film. Apply this clear plastic sheeting with double-sided tape and then use a blow dryer to shrink it until it seals off the drafts completely. 
  3. Apply Nail Polish to Repair and Conceal Cracks – If cracks start to form on your window glass, you can apply clear nail polish to temporarily seal them. You can also use this trick for sliding patio doors

Why Not Just Repair the Windows?

It might be cheaper to repair an ordinary single-pane window, but not dual-pane energy-efficient windows. Repairs will only plug the leaks, not replace the argon gas fill that leaked out. If you repair a dual-pane window instead of replacing it, you might end up paying more in the long run due to the window’s reduced energy-efficiency. 

What about replacing only parts of your window? A new insulated glass unit costs just as much as a new window—installing new replacement windows would be more cost-effective.  Don’t forget about other parts of your home’s exterior as well, like your doors and siding, which are also potential sources of air leaks.

Why Custom Windows Are Better

Ill-fitting frames are another potential cause of drafty windows. To make sure your new windows fit perfectly in your home, we recommend customizing them. 

Renewal by Andersen offers a wide range of customization options for your doors and windows. We customize each unit according to your needs and preferences, so you can rest easy knowing that your replacement windows will always be a great fit for your home, both in terms of size and design. 

Want to learn more about our custom windows? Renewal by Andersen of Cincinnati offers a wide variety of premium products, including French patio doors. For a free consultation with one of our design experts, call us at (866) 609-5033 or leave us a message here. We serve homeowners in Cincinnati, OH, and nearby areas. 

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