How to Deal With Leaking Windows

Leaky windows are a headache for any homeowner. Water seeping into your home can cause mold and mildew problems, and the draftiness around the affected window can compromise your home’s energy efficiency, leading to higher energy bills. Fortunately, leaky windows can be addressed with a little help from a trusted window replacement company like Renewal by Andersen® of Cincinnati.

Causes of Window Leaks

Several factors can cause a window to leak, and you’ll need to identify the underlying cause to determine the best solution. Start by checking the weep holes, which are designed to drain precipitation from the window tracks but can get clogged by debris. Next, check the condition of your window seals. The glass on a window needs to be properly sealed by a vinyl or rubber gasket. Unfortunately, these seals can loosen over time. Finally, inspect the window frame for signs of poor installation.

Preventing Window Leaks

You can prevent window leaks by regularly maintaining your windows. This includes checking the window seals every once in a while and scheduling repairs if necessary. You should also make sure that there are no cracks or gaps in your windows. Window leaks can also be caused by poor house design. For instance, an improperly angled fascia board can cause rain to hit your window. Finally, poor window installation can also cause window leaks. When replacing your windows, make sure to hire a reputable window contractor.

How We Can Help

If your windows are constantly leaking or are old and outdated, then we strongly recommend calling us for a window replacement. Our windows are designed to withstand the toughest weather. Built with our innovative Fibrex® frame material, our windows won’t crack, chip, peel or corrode, and are highly resistant to leaks. We’re confident in the performance of our products, which is why we back them with a strong warranty.

Renewal by Andersen of Cincinnati can install durable replacement windows that can drastically improve your home’s comfort, appearance and energy efficiency. We complement our great products with first-class workmanship. Our team members are some of the best in the industry. We serve many areas in Ohio including Cincinnati. Call us at (866) 609-5033 to learn more about our services and products or to schedule a free consultation. You can also contact us here.

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