It’s Not Too Late to Winterize Windows

We are less than a month (officially) into winter and we have already seen how nasty the weather this time of year can get. If you weren’t prepared for it, chances are that you have had a hard fight on your hands in keeping your home warm.

But, it is never too late to go back and do those winter preparations. That way you will be ready for when the next round of nasty winter weather conditions that come through.

Getting Winterized Windows

Here are some simple tips to do on any type of window to make sure that you are getting the maximum winter protection that they are capable of:

  1. Lock your windows. This may sound silly, but by locking your windows it creates a strong seal that prevents cold air from coming in your home. If you leave the windows unlocked it won’t seal and cold air will be able to creep in.
  2. Look at every window in your home. Make sure they’re doing what they should be in keeping your home warm in the winter. Check for cold spots and drafts around the windows, if you find them you could be literally heating the outside with the warm air that is escaping out of your house while the cold air is coming in.
  3. Check all of your windows to make sure the weather stripping and caulking is in good condition and has no gaps in it. This will ensure a secure seal around the openings in the windows that will trap the warm air from your heater in your home, and block the cold air from outside from getting in.
  4. When you are checking the weather stripping and caulking, seal up any little cracks or gaps where air can leak into your home. A lot of little cracks and gaps can add up to a lot of cold air being allowed in your home without you even knowing about it.

Single-Pane Window Winterization

In addition to the winterizing tips above, if you still have single-pane windows on your home you will need to take a few additional steps to winterize your home.

First, use a home insulation kit or put up reusable, clear vinyl sheeting on the inside of your home at your windows. This will manually create the barrier that you would normally get if you had double-pane windows. It will help block some of the cold air that will come through your current windows.

Second, purchase insulating drapes and hang them up.

Third, contact us and find out how easy it is to replace those single-pane windows so you don’t have to do all of this extra work each winter.

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