Keeping a Cool House in the Summer

It’s always nice to escape into a cool house in the summer.  The cooler environment makes it easier to sleep, relax and enjoy a hot, summer afternoon in comfort.  Getting your home cool and keeping it cool is something that requires work, but is well worth the effort.

Cool House Tip #1:  Keep the Windows Covered

Closing the curtains and blinds is the easiest thing that you can do to get a cool house.  The curtains and blinds create a barrier between the inside of your home and the hot sun outside, preventing some of the heat from getting inside the house.

While any blinds or curtains will do the trick in helping to obtain a cool house, the best ones to have are the ones that are lined.  These curtains are usually referred to as “blackout curtains” because they block any light from getting in or out of your home.  They also work very well in preventing any heat from getting in your home, or the air conditioning from getting out of your home.

Cool House Tip #2: Plant Trees

Trees are not just a nice addition to the landscaping of your yard; they can also work to help keep a cool house as well.  When a strategically placed tree gets big enough it can provide a large, natural sunblock and shade in front of your windows.  With the sun blocked by the tree, the shaded area of your home remains much cooler than the other areas that are directly hit by the sun.

The key is to place the tree where the sun hits the house the longest during the summer.  For most this is the south facing part of the house.  It is also wise to place the tree far enough away from the structure of the home so that as the tree gets older the roots don’t disturb the foundation of the home.

Cool House Tip #3: Invest in Energy Efficient Windows

Putting in new energy efficient windows provide a cool house by not allowing the summer heat from the outside to get into the home through the window pane itself.  They also keep the air conditioning on the inside of the home, much better than older windows.

Using any of these tips alone will help keep your house cooler than you have been able to keep it in the past.  Using all three of these cool house tips will give you a cooler house than you have ever had the pleasure of relaxing in during a hot summer day.

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