Protecting Your Windows after Being Egged

During prank season throwing eggs seems to be a prankster’s favorite method to use.  The eggs are easy to get, they are perfect throwing weight, the breaking sound once the egg makes contact is extremely fulfilling, and egging can be done from a distance allowing the prankster to make a quicker exit; everything that creates a perfect prank with a low chance of getting caught.

Unfortunately for the homeowner being pranked, eggs are one of the most destructive of the items used in pranks.  Not only are they left with a mess to clean up after being egged, but they can also be left with permanent damage to their home.

Protecting Your Windows Means Immediate Action

As soon as you find out that you have been egged you need to get as much of the egg off your home as possible.  Take pictures of your house and yard if you are going to call the police and file a vandalism report, but as soon as you have taken the pictures take action.

If you allow the egg to dry too long it will eat away the paint on the side of your home, as well as the on the frames around your windows.  Dried eggs can also damage the glass of your windows (etching).

Cleaning Your Windows to Protect Them

Again, as soon as you find that you have been egged start to work getting them off your home and windows.  First, take your garden hose and with a high-pressure nozzle spray off as much of the egg as you can.  Next, use a cloth towel to collect as much of the softened egg and shell as you can that is still stuck to the glass. DO NOT wipe the towel around the glass!  Instead surround the area with the towel, bring the edges of the towel together, and then lift up the mess.

Wiping the towel around on the egg will just smear it and make the mess worse instead of better.

You can also use a squeegee or a glass scraper to take the egg off the glass and the sides of your home after you have sprayed the vandalism down with the high-pressure water.

If you are not able to clean up the damage yourself and cannot find anyone to help you, contact a window cleaning company to take care of it for you.  They are the cleaning experts and should be able to handle the mess quickly for you.

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