How to Remove and Avoid Window Water Stains Caused by Condensation

remove and avoid window water stains

If your home experiences high amounts of condensation, you may be looking for ways to remove water stains from your windows. With home remedies and humidity prevention tactics, avoiding window water stains can improve the quality of your home overall. 

What Is Condensation?

Condensation is a collection of water droplets contained on a cold surface. When humid air comes into contact with windows, it often creates condensation. Walls usually won’t collect condensation due to their insulation. Once you’ve identified the areas where window condensation occurs in your home, such as the inside, outside or between the panes, you can follow specific steps to prevent future condensation. 

Why Condensation Occurs

One of the best ways to prevent future condensation is to learn why condensation occurs in certain areas of your home. Whether you need to replace door seals or experience high humidity indoors from inadequate ventilation, focus on the inside and outside of the house and discover why condensation might occur.

The Interior

Condensation may occur on the interior side of the window when humid air contacts cool glass. It is prevalent in the winter, as the air outside may be colder and drier than in other seasons. When the indoor air is warm or humid, and the air outside is cold and dry, condensation is likely to occur.

Activities such as cooking and showering may also create more humidity inside. In other cases, homeowners with drafty doors or windows may experience more condensation due to loose seals and air infiltration. You may need to replace your seals to lock in cool air and lessen condensation inside, as excess humidity can lead to mildew or mold growth.

The Exterior

Condensation may occur on the exterior side of the window when humidity levels are higher outside, especially during the summer months. The glass may be cooler, and condensation may occur when it comes into contact with warm air. Condensation outside the window may also occur during clear night skies, days with little wind or high humidity.

remove hard water stains on glass

How to Remove Hard Water Stains Caused by Condensation

To remove hard water stains on glass, one of the best things you can do is wipe down the surface with a cleaner and a wet rag. Consider the type and function of your windows to decide how best to clean them and remove the water stains. For example, the outside of double hung windows can be cleaned from inside since they often come with flip-down features. 

Here are a few ways to clean your windows:

  • Vinegar: Vinegar can remove new hard water stains by mixing the vinegar with water and spraying the solution on the trouble spot. After allowing the vinegar to sit, clean it with a rag.
  • Baking soda: Try combining baking soda and water into a paste-like substance for larger water stains. Scrub the stains with the paste using a dry cloth.
  • Rubbing alcohol: Rubbing alcohol can remove mild or minor stains that have just begun to appear.
  • Toothpaste: Toothpaste may not remove stains altogether but can lessen the harsh appearance of small hard water stains.
  • Lemon juice: Mix lemon juice and water and spray the mixture on the trouble spot. After allowing it to sit, wipe the lemon juice off with a clean, soft cloth.
  • Stain remover: Some stain removers are designed to remove hard water stains and can be found at a hardware store. Follow the instructions carefully before use.

How to Prevent Hard Water Stains on Windows

Preventing hard water stains can improve the quality of your windows and mold and mildew growth. Here are five steps to avoid water stains inside your home.

Step 1: Invest in a Portable or Whole-Home Dehumidifier

Using a dehumidifier in your house can lessen the amount of water in the air, eliminate odors and prevent the growth of mold, mildew and bacteria. A dehumidifier will also reduce the amount of condensation on your windows.

Step 2: Use Fans in the Kitchen and Bathroom

Because kitchens and bathrooms produce the most moisture, using a fan while cooking and showering can prevent a buildup of condensation. It also helps if you cover pots and pans while cooking to reduce the release of steam or leave the bathroom fan running after a shower to reduce condensation buildup.

Step 3: Leave Your Interior Doors Open When Possible

Leaving the doors open can circulate air throughout the home and reduce condensation. You can also turn on fans to move the air around the house or open the windows on clear days. 

Step 4: Trim Shrubs and Trees Around Your Windows and Doors

Trimming the shrubs or trees around your doors and windows can promote proper air circulation and allow the sun to warm your windows. When the dew evaporates off your exterior windows, condensation is less likely. 

Step 5: Raise the Temperature of Your Air Conditioner

By raising the temperature of your air conditioner, you can keep the window’s glass warmer and prevent condensation. 

How to Avoid Hard Water Stains in the Future

There are a few steps you can take to avoid water stains on glass. Whether you want to learn how to get water stains off outside windows or interior panes, keeping track of each humid area in the home can prevent stains in the future.

Here are some tips to help you prevent water stains:

  • Check the shower: The bathroom is one of the most humid rooms in the house. Try to keep the water temperature low and take shorter showers. Using a bathmat to sop up extra water can also lower the chance of condensation.
  • Look at cooking appliances: If you’re using a kettle, coffee maker or other appliance that produces steam, try to use a lid or ventilated cooker hood. 
  • Close kitchen and bathroom doors: Because these rooms produce the most humidity, closing the doors can prevent excess buildup of moisture from entering colder rooms and creating condensation. 
  • Move your laundry: Try not to dry laundry inside, especially when it’s cold outside. The evaporation can cause extra condensation.
  • Check gas heaters, stovetops and ovens: These appliances release excess water vapor. It is essential to create ventilated areas near these appliances to lessen the chance of condensation.
  • Inspect basements and crawl spaces: Make sure basements and crawl spaces are adequately insulated to prevent a buildup of humidity or gas. 
  • Use houseplants: Houseplants like ginger, palm and ficus trees may worsen the humidity problems in your home. However, plants like the Boston fern, spider plant, cactus, English ivy and peace lily can lower the humidity.
  • Check for leaks: Check for and fix any leaks in your house. This includes gutters, roof coverings, rain screens and downspouts. 
  • Invest in a dehumidifier: Use a dehumidifier in the home or multiple dehumidifiers in various rooms.

Reduce Condensation With Help From Renewal by Andersen

The team at Renewal by Andersen serves customers with replacement windows and doors to enhance their homes. Improve your home insulation and lower condensation with our energy-efficient windows. To get started, contact us online today or call us at (866) 609-5033.

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