Simple Valentine’s Window Decorations

Valentine’s Day may not have the same following for decorations as Christmas does, but that does not mean it isn’t fun to decorate for this holiday.  In fact, Valentine’s Day is one of the simplest holidays to decorate for; all you need is the right colors and some hearts.

The Easiest of the Easy Valentine’s Window Decorations

The easiest and fastest way to decorate your windows for Valentine’s Day is to take window paints and paint red, pink and white hearts on the glass of your windows.  You can paint the hearts along the edge of the glass to make a heart border.  You can put small hearts in one corner of the glass, or you can just randomly paint the hearts on the window.

You can even get black window paint and paint a wavy line under the hearts to make heart balloons.

The Next Easiest Valentine’s Window Decoration

Instead of painting the hearts on the windows, this time you are going to tape them on.  Simply take colored paper, cut hearts out of them and tape them on the glass.  Simple enough right?

But don’t leave it there, play with the hearts and make borders, patterns, smiley faces, or even tape the heart on a white paper doily and tape the doily to the glass with the heart facing out.

Be creative and have fun with it, besides Valentine’s Day only comes around once a year.

Falling Hearts Valentine’s Window

Take colored papered, scrapbook paper with Valentine’s Day patterns, or white paper that you have colored over and cut hearts out of them.  If you don’t have the time to find the paper you want or to cut out the paper hearts, you can always go to the store and purchase doily hearts instead.

After you have your paper hearts already, use a hole puncher and make a hole somewhere on the top of the heart.  You are going to put a piece of string, yarn or ribbon through the hole to hang it by, so be creative in where you punch the hole.  A hole punched right in the middle will let the heart hang straight, whereas a hole punched on the side of the top will let the heart hang at a slight angle.

Hang the other end of the string, yarn, or ribbon from the top of the window frame at different lengths and you have a falling heart Valentine’s window.

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