Style and Suitability: Picking the Right Window Box

Window boxes attached to your casement windows’ exterior can brighten your home exterior, but some homeowners in Knoxville are afraid these boxes will damage their windows and siding. Provided they have the right design and are properly installed, window boxes are unlikely to cause any damage.

To help you choose the right kind of window box, Renewal by Andersen® of Knoxville lists down what you’d need to consider.

Fiberglass or Wood?

If you want a more rustic feel to your exterior, you might want to install redwood or cedar boxes underneath double hung windows. Keep in mind, however, that prolonged exposure to moisture makes wood susceptible to rot, so you have to coat the box’s insides with a water repellant.

If you want a material that’s more durable and has the same texture as wood, you can choose a fiberglass window box. In addition to being enduring, fiberglass also has the advantage of being completely resistant to rot. Keep in mind that regardless of the material, all window boxes should have a drainage system to get rid of excess water.

Shelf Brackets

Window boxes should be mounted on shelf brackets to create enough space, usually between half an inch to one inch, between their backside and the siding. This space prevents excess water from slipping on to the siding. Given that wood containing more than 20 percent moisture rots, you should keep an eye out for any cracks on your siding’s paint. If there are cracks, you need to readjust your shelf brackets.

For those who find shelf brackets too distracting, there’s the option of using hidden, stainless steel clips for fiberglass window boxes. The clips make it seem like the wooden box is floating by itself, producing less visual clutter for your exterior.

Apart from the manufacturing material and the plants, also account for how your window complements a window box. For example, a double hung window that’s better suited to more traditional design themes might not complement a fiberglass window box, which usually has a modern, minimalist design.

If you’re thinking of getting a window replacement, you can get a free consultation with Renewal by Andersen of Knoxville by calling 866-609-5033 or filling out this form. We serve clients in Knoxville, TN as well as other areas in Tennessee.

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