To Replace or Not to Replace Windows, That is the Question

Are you considering replacing your windows, but aren’t sure if it’s really necessary? Knowing if it’s already the right time to replace your old windows isn’t easy. In some cases, maybe repairs will suffice for the time being, but if you’re already starting to experience problems like increased power consumption or issues with the overall structure of your windows (e.g. rotting frames, cracked or broken glass, etc.) then it’s time to start replacing your windows. Here are a few more signs that can help make the choice of replacement clear:

  • You can feel a draft even when the windows are closed. This could indicate that the weather-stripping of your windows has been damaged.
  • You’re having a hard time opening or closing your windows. This could be caused by rotted or rusted frames.
  • Your windows are getting fogged with condensation. This could be a sign of the insulated air within double/triple pane windows isn’t working anymore or that the seal of the window has already failed.
  • Excessive noise from the outside penetrates your home with windows closed.
  • Furniture, carpets, paintings, and other home fixtures are starting to fade away. This could mean that your windows aren’t effective at keeping UV radiation out.

If you’re planning to get new New Jersey windows, Renewal by Andersen® can help you out. With our top quality windows, we can address all these window issues you may have. You won’t be experiencing problems like draftiness, difficulty with opening/closing, or those other problems stated above with our windows. By utilizing advanced Fibrex® for our frames and High-Performance™ Low-E4®, glass we can make sure that you get high performance windows.

Fibrex is a composite material that combines the strength and insulating qualities of wood with the low-maintenance characteristics of vinyl. This material allows the frames of our windows to stay durable and beautiful. This material is designed never to rot, fade, corrode, break, or chip.

High-Performance Low-E4 glass is the solution to keeping pesky UV radiation out, so you don’t have to worry about sunlight causing your home fixtures to fade. Furthermore, because of its ability to resist heat flow, you can expect that your power consumption and energy bill is going to decrease.

With both of these materials in our windows, we can make sure that your home has both enhanced beauty and energy efficiency. Remember, don’t put up with windows that don’t perform. For more information on window replacement in New Jersey and nearby areas, contact Renewal by Andersen of New Jersey-New York Metro today.

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