Top 3 Secrets to Having Clean Windows

When many of us walk into a dark room, the first thing we do is open the curtains and let sunlight pour through the windows. But,
when dirt and streaks coat our windows, we might want to put those curtains back. When dirty windows distract from the sunshine or the
beautiful view outside, it’s time to wash them. However, it can seem that no matter what we do the dirt and streaks are back within in
a day or two.

One way to get clean windows is to call a professional. If you hire a window cleaner, though, they will still have to come back when t
he window gets dirty again. That can become expensive quickly. You wish you could clean your windows as well as they can, but you ma
y not know how to get that pristine look.

What, then, is the secret to cleaning like a professional? It turns out specialized equipment, solutions, and techniques make the difference between a lasting shine and a permanent smudge. We will give you tips to show how to keep your windows spotless longer, without the expense of hiring a professional. Use our secrets to give your windows the shine you always wanted.

Secret #1: Have the Right Equipment

If you want sparkling windows, you need to have the right equipment. Windex and paper towels will only do so much. The secret to
lasting shine is having materials designed to keep your windows clean for weeks, not days. Here are the supplies you will need to get the
most effective clean:

  • A large bucket will hold your cleaning materials and your cleaning solution.
  • A good mop and sponge make cleaning easy and spread detergent effectively.
  • Squeegees wipe your windows clean, preventing hard water spots from drying.
  • A scraper is useful for removing scuffs or spots that a sponge can’t get. Steel wool is great for finer spots or scratches. Steel wool is
    a valuable tool, but be careful not to scratch your glass. Always apply light pressure while cleaning with it.
  • Use towels to dry the window, remove spots, and protect your window sill.
  • Use poles and ladders to get windows on upper floors. If you plan to use these, however, put your safety first. Consider using a harness and asking a family member or friend to hold the ladder while you use it.

Secret #2: Get a Good Cleaning Agent

There are so many different cleaners on the market, you might not know which one is best for your windows. You need one that is
easy to use but also saves you money. While it is more expensive than most all-surface cleaners, a window washing detergent is probably your best option.

Window washing detergents contain specialized soap designed for windows. They can remove several types of stains and grime. Use
this detergent with your equipment from Secret #1, and your windows will start to gleam in no time. They work together for the best shine.

If you’re looking for a homemade solution, look no further than vinegar. Vinegar is easy to use, inexpensive, and natural. It’s also useful

for removing hard water stains. However, vinegar doesn’t create suds like a detergent does; suds are necessary when using sponges
or squeegees.

Also, some homemade recipes use chemicals that, if not properly balanced, can hurt your window rather than clean it. Make sure to

Also, some homemade recipes use chemicals that, if not properly balanced, can hurt your window rather than clean it. Make sure to
choose a reputable homemade recipe and test it on a piece of sample glass before using it on your windows.

Secret #3: Use the Right Techniques

The main difference between a professional window cleaner and you? Practice. Window cleaners know all the tricks to a clean window from experience and repetition. However, there are some techniques that can help you become an expert. Use these steps to start cleaning like a pro:

  1. Prepare your window for cleaning. Remove any dust, cobwebs, or dirt buildup with a brush or broom before you use a sponge.
  2. Clean in indirect sunlight. When sunlight shines directly on the window as you clean, it can cause streaks.
  3. Mix cold water with the recommended amount of detergent. You will find this ratio on the soap’s bottle.
  4. Use a scraper or steel wool to clean buildup. If you use a scrapper, always scrape forward to prevent scratches.
  5. Drag your squeegee at a 45o angle to dry the glass. Then use a microfiber towel to clean the edges. Place a rag on th
    e window sill to collect any run-off. This protects your good towel from getting too dirty.
  6. You might consider polymers that protect your window. Quality windows prevent dirt and grime from coming back.

Window cleaning becomes easier once you know the secrets. You will become better as you gain practice, and these steps are a valuable starting point. Use our secrets to give your windows a clean and polished shine that lasts.



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