Tricks Turned in to Treats Halloween Windows

Your windows are one of the best canvases you have to use for Halloween decorations.  First, they are a large source of light that you can use for those nighttime effects.  Second, because of the clear nature of glass, they are easy to use for optical illusions.

A Lit Black Canvas Halloween Window

In recent Halloweens, many windows have started displaying shadows of hanging bodies, pumpkins, spooky trees, and all sorts of other eerie visuals. The simplicity of the display and the spooky effect it has is a draw for many people to put it up in their homes.

But why be like everyone else, when you can shine?

Instead of putting a black shadow in your window, let’s use a light silhouette. The concept is the same as the shadows, but what you are going to put in your windows is the opposite.

To start, purchase a large roll of black, kraft paper. Take measurements of your window and cut the paper to the same exact size. You may have to use two pieces of the paper taped together for larger windows.

Next, cut out a design; it can be a jack-o-lantern face, a bubbling witches cauldron, or any other creepy, but simple Halloween scene. Lastly, take the black paper that the design was cut out of, not the design itself, and attach it to the window.

When properly done, the whole window will be black except for the space where the design was cut out. When the lights are on in your home, it will shine through the cut out space displaying the Halloween window silhouette just like it was carved in a pumpkin.

A Halloween Window That’s Not What it Seems

Most of what you see at Halloween is all about optical illusions.  That zombie girl that follows you around the Halloween store isn’t real, but just the looks of her makes you try and get away from her just the same.  With this optical illusion, you will make the people looking at your home wonder if anyone is even living there anymore.

What we are going to do is break your windows out, well, at least make it look like they are.

To start, take frosted contact paper and cut pieces out of it.  The pieces need to have at least one straight edge and at least one jagged edge.  The straight edges of these pieces are going to be along the outside of the glass panes and the jagged edges will be on the inside of the glass panes, looking like broken glass.

To apply, simply take the backing off the contact paper and press the sticky side on to the glass.  The frosted contact paper now looks like your actual window, because the regular glass is clearer than the contact paper it looks like there is nothing there now, where the real glass actually is.

Creating the illusion that your Halloween windows have been broken out.

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