Using Glass Doors to Show off Your Stuff

Many collections and organization talent is sadly hidden behind closed doors.  Gorgeous shoe collections, hardware tools that are polished and neatly organized, or even the beautifully color coded linen closet that is worthy of a magazine shoot are never seen by anyone else but yourself.  Wouldn’t you want to show off something spectacular like this, instead of hiding it away in a dark closet?

Show Off With Glass Doors

Let the visitors to your home see the stuff you are proud of behind those closed doors by installing French doors or regular glass doors to replace those old closet doors.  Regular glass doors and single French doors can be used for smaller door spaces that had a single closet door to them, and double French doors fit nicely in areas that had sliding closet doors.

Just make sure that the area in front of the closet where you want to put a door has enough room for an opening door.  Old narrow hallways may have had those sliding closet doors put in place because of the lack of space.  If that is the case, a nice gliding French door works very well as a replacement closet door.

Protect Collections with Glass Doors

If you have art collections that you want to protect, but also want to show off at the same time you can create a built-in display in your home.  By taking a small, shallow closet and putting in one or two shelves you now have a place to display your art collection that is out of the way of any traffic flow in your home.  It is tucked out of the way and much more protected then it would be in a display cabinet, as well.  For optimal displaying, add a light in the ceiling that can be turned on to illuminate your collection, as well as an interior glass door.

For those that collect antique furniture, you can still protect your furniture and show it off at the same time.  By keeping the antique furniture in a room that people seldom go in, the furniture will be protected from use to be kept in good shape.  By enclosing any entrances into the room with glass doors, specifically French doors, people that come to visit you will still be able to see the furniture in the enclosed room, but the pieces will be protected in a completely enclosed space.

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