What Causes Window Condensation?

Window condensation can be frustrating for homeowners because it can make open window spaces feel dirty or closed in. Many homeowners don’t understand why the condensation appeared in the first place, or how they can get rid of it once it’s there. Here’s what you need to know:

Where Does Condensation Come From?

Simply put, condensation forms because there is excessive moisture on one side of the window or the other. Typically condensation forms on the outside of a window when the temperature outside drops and there is rain or snow falling that cools the exterior surface of the window very rapidly.

On the other hand, condensation on the inside of your home means that the warm air inside is carrying too much moisture, which concentrates at the windows because they are the coolest part of your house.

Furthermore, you may see condensation building between the panes of your windows if a seal is broken or the anti-moisture desiccant becomes over-saturated.

How to Deal with Window Condensation in Michigan Homes?

If the condensation is only occurring on the exterior of your windows, there’s not much you can do. It will go away in its own time. However, if it is on the inside of your windows, then you need to take action. Using a dehumidifier, running your fans, and cracking your windows open can all help circulate the air and reduce the moisture that’s hanging around. This is important because too much moisture inside can cause your window frames to rot and can also be a sign that mold will start growing.

If you see that condensation has built up between the panes in your home, there are few options available to you. In some cases, you may be able to replace only one set of panes, which will allow the moisture to escape before the window is resealed. Your manufacturer may offer treatment solutions which include cleaning out drain holes and resealing. However, in most cases, a complete window replacement is the only 100% effective way of eliminating the condensation and ensuring that it doesn’t come back in the near future.

Renewal by Andersen offers high-performance windows that include many condensation fighting features both inside and out. Our signature glass treatments and unique window designs help prevent the buildup of excessive moisture that can fog up your windows and ruin your view. Call today to schedule your free consultation with one of our Michigan window experts.

Topics: Window Condensation, Michigan home

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