Why You Don’t Cut Corners with Replacement Windows

Don't Cut Corners with Replacement Windows

Your home is likely your largest and most important investment and your home’s windows are a critical part of that investment’s structure, functionality and therefore, value. Good windows can improve your home’s value and make your home more attractive, while sub-par window products can cause years of maintenance headaches and reduce your home’s value. At Renewal by Andersen of Long Island, we’ve replaced hundreds of inferior replacement windows that were only a few years old. When you replacement the windows in your home, you really can’t afford to cut corners. It could cost you real money on your largest investment. Here’s what you need to know.

Poor Quality Replacement Windows Don’t Last

Quality windows are made from long-lasting materials that can perform well for many years with minimal maintenance. Renewal by Andersen window frames, for example, are made from Fibrex material, a durable composite wood product that’s virtually maintenance-free. Fibrex never needs finishing or painting in order to last for years and years.

Renewal by Andersen is so confident in its windows that it protects your investment with a 20-year transferable warranty. If you were to ever have an issue with your Renewal by Andersen windows, the 20-year warranty will protect your investment in your windows. This warranty is even transferable to future owners of your home, so they increase the value of your home at re-sale.

Poor quality windows are unlikely to be made from such durable materials, and are unlikely to be protected by such a great warranty. When poor quality windows start to fail, there’s little that homeowners can do but pay for repairs or replacement.

Inexpensive Windows May Not Be Very Energy Efficient

It takes smart design to make your windows energy efficient. Poor quality windows are rarely well-designed. This can lead to energy leaks, drafts, poor operation, glass failure and more. Renewal by Andersen windows, by contrast, have an award-winning eco-friendly design that helps keep your home’s interior an even temperature year-round.

All Renewal by Andersen windows are made using one of several formulas of high performance low-E4 glass that helps block heat while allowing visible light to pass through. Renewal by Andersen windows are also dual pane, to provide insulation and an extra level of protection.

Cutting Corners Often Leads to Poor Installation

Many companies that sell replacement windows are window dealers but not installers. When you purchase replacement windows for your home, these dealers sell the products but do not provide installation. You may have to find your own installer.

If you’re cutting corners, you may pay for installation from a less-than-qualified installer, who could perform installation poorly. Shabby installation practices can lead to leaks and, eventually, structural damage.

Renewal by Andersen windows are always installed by trained professionals employed by the company. They’re fully prepared to install your windows correctly.

When you have two contracts for your windows: product and installation, you will have two warranties to worry about. We often hear horror stories of homeowners who are given the run-around when they try to make a warranty claim. The manufacturer says it’s the installer’s fault and the installer says it’s the manufacturer’s fault. All Renewal by Andersen windows are covered by one warranty that covers both the product and the installation.

Need New Windows? Install Tried and True Window Products

Renewal by Andersen is one of the most respected window installation companies in the United States. All Renewal by Andersen windows are installed by trained and qualified installers, so they’re guaranteed to be installed properly. To get started with your window installation, call Renewal by Andersen of Long Island’s toll-free number today: (866) 609-5033 or fill in the short form on this page.

Download our Free Guide to Long Island Replacement Windows

Long Island Replacement Windows eBook

Learn Everything You Need to Know BEFORE Buying Replacement WindowsClick Here to Download Now!


    • The Difference Between Replacement and New Construction Windows!

    • The Different Kinds of Frame Materials and What That Means to Your Windows’ Performance and Longevity!

    • How the Right Glass Can Save You Money on Your Heating & Cooling Bills!

    • The Critical Role Proper Installation Plays in the Performance, Durability and Warranty of Your New Replacement Windows!

    • What Features and Options are Important to You and What Role They Play in Your Ultimate Satisfaction Today, and for as Long As You Live in Your Home!

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