Wood Blinds or Plastic Blinds?

Until it is time to start thinking about what you are going to use on your windows as coverings, you really don’t realize how many different options there are available.  You can choose from shades, curtain, blinds, and shutters.  Just in the section of blinds there are a number of different choices.  So which one really works the best?

Today we are going to look at the different between plastic blinds and wood blinds.

Plastic Blinds

Plastic blinds are the easiest coverings to find for your windows. They are found in any store that sells window coverings, and they are cheap, as well as easy to install.

But you do get what you pay for when you buy cheap plastic blinds. You can’t always be guaranteed of their thickness, so privacy can be an issue, and they break easily.

Wood Blinds

Wood blinds are harder to find as many stores don’t sell them.  You can order them online, find them in some hardware stores, or go through a store that specializes in window coverings.  Wood blinds are much thicker than plastic blinds and they afford much more privacy than their plastic cousins.

Wood blinds also create a better barrier in keeping the heat inside your home in the winter and outside in the summer.  Finally, wood blinds are also easier to clean because of how much farther apart the slates are in the wood blinds, as compared to the plastic ones.

One of the downfalls of wood blinds is that they are heavy and cannot be used in large windows because of their weight.  They also should not be used in the bathroom or kitchen as they are not designed to withstand steam or water as well as plastic blinds are.

Faux Wood Blinds

Faux wood blinds give you a little bit of the best from both the above choices.  Faux wood gives you all the privacy that real wood provides, but they are light and easier to raise like the plastic blinds.  Faux wood also works well in bathrooms and kitchens as they can handle the steam and water better than the real wood blinds.  This also means they are easier to clean than real wood blinds as they can be wiped down with a damp rag, instead just being dusted.

While they are not as cheap as plastic blinds, they are cheaper than the real wood ones.

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