Broken Cincinnati Windows after Bad Storm

After a bad storm rolls through the area we can be left with damage to clean up; which unfortunately, can include broken window and glass doors. Cleaning up the broken glass will be your first reaction once you discover the damage, but there are other things you need to do first before clean up happens.

So, take a deep breath and follow these steps after a storm breaks your Cincinnati windows or glass doors.

Step One: Protect the Area

Do not let anyone in the area where there is broken glass, especially pets. Glass shards will easily cut up your pet’s paw pads and then you will have a broken window, an injured pet, and a blood trail to clean up.

Glass shards can also get lodged in the bottom of shoes, and then deposited in other parts of the house for someone to step on with bare feet. So don’t think that allowing people to walk through the area because they have shoes on is okay.

Try your best to block off the area by closing doors or placing furniture at the entrances of the room.

Step Two: Record Cincinnati Window Damage

The first thing that you need to do before you start cleaning up the broken glass, is to take pictures and video of the damage. This includes where the glass used to be and where the glass fell.

This information is for future reference, and in the event that you will be filing a claim with your homeowner’s insurance company.

Step Three: Clean Up the Broken Glass

Now, it is time to clean up the broken glass.

Make sure that you sweep up as much as possible and even go back over the area with a vacuum cleaner to pick up what you missed with the broom.

And remember, glass can travel very far so clean the entire room as you never know where you will find little shards.

Step Four: Secure the Area Where the Glass Broke

Make sure that no one is able to get in your home, or that you don’t have any additional interior storm damage by covering the new opening where the glass used to be. This could mean screwing on plywood boards or securing a tarp over the opening, whatever it takes.

Most people don’t know it, but if you fail to prevent additional damage from happening after you have had storm damage the insurance company can deny your claim for the additional damage.

Step Five: Replacing Your Cincinnati Window or Glass Door

Get your damaged Cincinnati window or glass door replaced as quickly as possible. This could be done by filing a claim with your homeowner’s insurance company or just by replacing the window yourself.

If you need any assistance in getting that broken window replaced with one that is similar or even one that is better, our Cincinnati window specialists are more than happy to help.

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