Using Antique Window Frames for Leaf Hangings

After you have your old Cincinnati windows replaced, think about reusing them for wall decorations. This doesn’t work for all old windows, but if you have ones with multiple grilles in them it will.

These types of windows look like the old vintage windows that were used homes and sometimes on garages or other out buildings. They don’t have to be old though, because you can still get windows with the grilles in them. The only important thing for this particular décor project is that they actually have the grilles to break up the glass into smaller sections; one large piece of glass just won’t have the same effect.

Supplies for Fall Inspired Leaf Windows

  • Black poster board
  • Fake fall leaves
  • Clear adhesive
  • A Cincinnati window with grilles in it

Making Your Fall Inspired Leaf Window

For this project, we are going to make a wall hanging that you can use just in the fall or can keep up year round.

First, measure out a black piece of poster board to the exact size of the window that you are using, this is going to be the back of the wall hanging.

Next, lightly make marks on the poster board as to the area that shows in the glass of the window. This will give you an idea of how big of a space you are working with directly on the poster board.

After you know the area that you are working with, go to the store and purchase leaves that will fit in the measured space. It is good to get leaves that are a little smaller than the space, as the hanging will look better if the leaves don’t completely take up the entire pane. Also get leaves that are different sizes and colors.

With a clear adhesive, attach the leaves to the sections of the poster board that will show through the glass. You want to get the leaf in the very center of the section, and with a little black showing around it to contrast the color of the leaf. Also try and get the leaf as flat as possible.

Once you have finished attaching the leaves, attach the posted board to the back of the window with the leaves showing through the glass.

Finally, hang on the wall and enjoy.

This project also works really well with pressed flowers and an old Cincinnati window, as well.

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