Storm Doors Going Green

With the Cincinnati winter we have been having this year, more than likely your storm doors are still going to be up through at least the end of March.  This is good because it means you have a nice open palette to still decorate on for this St. Patrick’s Day.

So get out the window cleaner, clean off all that winter gunk from your storm door, and let’ get to decorating.

Why the Storm Door?

Storms doors are great to decorate because they are larger than your normal window, so you can create a larger display.  They are also right in the front of the house for everyone that passes by your home to enjoy.

Storm Door Borders

Even though you have the entire storm door to decorate on for St. Patrick’s Day it doesn’t mean that you have to use.  Overloading a storm door with decorations just looks childish, so unless you are actually letting your child decorate the storm door keep it minimal.  And one way to do so is by just doing a border around the edge of the glass.

The border doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, it can be a number of small four-leaf clover, small pots of gold, or even little leprechauns.  If you want to get really creative use all 3 of those and alternate them all the way around the border of the glass.

Large Storm Door Display

Storm doors do offer a nice amount of space to work with for your decorations, but if you want to go with a larger decoration keep it organized.  Again, having too many different things decorating the storm door makes it look bad.

Stick with just a single large leprechaun, or maybe three large four-leaf clovers in a column to cover the storm door.

Painting the Storm Door

Painting decorations on the storm door is different than painting decorations on any other window in your home. First, the other windows in your home are painted from the warm interior of your house.  Your storm door on the other hand, is fully on the outside of your home in the cold outdoors.  This colder environment may not allow for the window paint to stick as well (or remain) on the glass, especially with the fluctuating early spring weather coming in soon.

Two, your storm door is right there in front of people when they come to your home.  If you mess up on the paint on the storm door or you can’t get all of it washed off after the holiday, it will be harder to hide than something that was painted on a regular window in the house.

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