Beating Back the Hot Cincinnati Sun at Your Windows

If you are looking for the best ways to stay cool inside your home this summer, the first thing you need to look at is your windows.  With windows being literally a hole in your home’s wall that is only covered by glass, you have to make sure that the window is doing its job at keeping the heat out of your home and the cool air in your home.

Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t know how important of a part windows play in keeping their home comfortable during the summer so they don’t do anything with the windows in an effort to cool down the house.  Instead they try to beat back that hot Cincinnati sun with fans and the air conditioner.

To help you with this battle, we thought we could offer you some suggestions to tip the battle in your favor.

Most Important Window Change

Changing to energy-efficient windows is the most important thing you could ever do to keep the summer heat out of your home.  Energy-efficient windows are designed to keep the air on the outside (hot or cold) from getting in your home and the air in your home from getting out.  They are also designed to prevent less of the sun’s rays from getting in your home and heating it up that way.

In other words, energy-efficient windows act as a barrier to beat back the hot Cincinnati sun to keep your home more comfortable in the summer.

Creating another Barrier

Another barrier you can use to beat back the hot Cincinnati sun from coming in your windows is by using window treatments.  Window treatments aren’t as effective as energy-efficient windows in keeping your home comfortable, but they at least can prevent some of the sun’s rays from getting in your home.

Using a window treatment with energy-efficient windows will provide you with the absolute best defense at your windows from letting the heat and the sun’s rays in your home.

Window Maintenance

If your air conditioner seems to be running more than normal this summer, you might want to check around your window.  Sometimes cracks can appear around the window after winter, and these cracks allow the summer heat to freely flow in your home.

If you do find any gaps, get them sealed immediately.

After a while though, you can only seal that window so many times before it is just time to get new windows.  If you are to this point, please call us and we would be more than happy to see what window suggestions we can make to help you beat back that summer, Cincinnati sun.

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